Church Constitution and By Laws


Mission Statement: We will lift Jesus up and He will draw all men to Himself.

Foundations: We believe the Bible is true.  Jesus was born of a virgin, paid the price for our sin, rose from the dead, and is coming back again.

Why we exist: To restore, disciple, and send.


This Constitution and Bylaws are made to:

  1. Give and protect the reasons for our faith
  2. Give and protect the liberties of the members of this church.
  3. To ensure the freedom of this church to act independently from and religious group or outside organizations.
  4. To detail the inner workings and governance of the church and to establish the church’s conduct in all affairs.


  1. Name

The name of this church shall be APOSTLES CHURCH BROKEN ARROW.  It is an independent church and shares no affiliation with any established denomination (non-denominational).


  1. Business Location

The mailing address of the church is 1216 E Kenosha #115, Broken Arrow, OK 74012.


III. Purpose of Church

  1. Restore. Results from people beginning and/or renewing their journey of following God, obeying His Word, and bringing glory to Him through Spiritual Growth and Discipleship. This will lead to a

greater understanding of who they are in Christ, giving them more

confidence to follow Him, share Him with others, and bring glory to


  1. Disciple. This will lead to a greater understanding of who they are in Christ, giving them more confidence to follow Him, share Him with others, and bring glory to Him. This leads to opportunities to not just meet the needs of others, but to share the Gospel and bring glory to Jesus.
  2. Send. This occurs when growing people accept their calling and begin their ministry to multiply the Kingdom, bringing glory to God.


  1. Articles of Faith
  2. We believe in the inspiration and the inerrancy of Scripture. The Bible, both the Old and New Testament, was written by men who were divinely inspired by God.  The Bible is God’s revelation of himself to man and is without error.
  3. We believe in the virgin birth and deity of Jesus Christ. Jesus was born without a sin nature.  He was fully God and was fully man.
  4. We believe in the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ. When Jesus was crucified and died on the cross he did so for the sins of the whole world – past, present, and future.
  5. We believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus was seen by more than 500 people after his resurrection.  These witnesses and God’s Word testify to the fact that Jesus was indeed God.
  6. We believe the gifts of the Spirit are still active. The Holy Spirit is here and is active and gifts believers as needed.  We are free to utilize those gifts as the Holy Spirit guides.  We also recognize that the gifts might be different for each person and they are not deal breakers when it comes to Christian fellowship and unity.
  7. We believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Jesus is coming back again as He promised he would.  He could return at any time to set up His Kingdom.  When He returns, He will judge the whole world in righteousness.
  8. We believe in one God. God exists as three persons, distinct, yet one – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  9. We believe in the concept of saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Sola Fide).
  10. We believe in the practices of the church ordinances: baptism, the Lord’s Supper. These are memorials and remembrances for the church and community and are not a means for or to salvation.
  11. We believe in the absolute Sovereignty of God. He is Lord and King of all for all time.
  12. We believe in the autonomy of the local church. The church shall manage its own affairs and shall not be subject to any other religious body or organization.
  13. We believe that Jesus Christ is the head of this, and every church. He will guide and direct everything we do. We will listen to him through prayer and His Word.


  1. Government

The government of Apostles Church, Broken Arrow is vested in the elders and its members as the elders deem appropriate.  The church retains the right to self-governance in all phases of the organization.  We recognize the need for mutual respect, cooperation and unity.


  1. Nonprofit Status and Liquidation

This church is not organized for profit.  In the event of liquidation or dissolution of the church, all of its assets and property of every nature and description shall be paid over and transferred at the direction of the board members/elders of the church to the ministries that the church has been supporting and/or other ministries as deemed appropriate.


  1. Amending this Constitution

This Constitution and bylaws can be amended.  The process for amendment includes the members of the church and the elders.  A proposed amendment shall be presented to the elders (either by an elder or by a member of the church) in writing.  The proposed amendment will be deciphered at the next elders meeting. After the elders come to a thorough understanding of the meaning of the amendment and its purpose as it fits into the Purpose of APOSTLES CHURCH, BROKEN ARROW the elders will bring their recommendation to the church concerning the proposed amendment. The church membership will vote on the proposed amendment. The amendment will be passed with a three-fourths (3/4) vote by the membership.





  1. Church Membership
  2. Qualifications: A person shall be considered a member of Apostles Church when they meet the following qualifications: 1) They are born-again believers who have repented of their sins and put their trust in Jesus Christ for their salvation. 2) They have expressed a desire to become a member of the church. 3) They are in agreement with this Constitution and the Articles of Faith contained herein.
  3. Reception: A person will attain membership by any of the following means:
  4. Transfer of church letter.
  5. Statement of faith.
  6. Restoration to church membership after having been dropped.
  7. Termination: A person will terminate membership by any of the following means:
  8. Requests a letter to transfer to another church.
  9. When they join another church.
  10. By personal choice.
  11. In the event of their death.
  12. By a vote of the church due to circumstances provided in the discipline or other reasons deemed necessary.
  13. New Members will:
  14. Attend church and be active members of the church.
  15. Provided they are in good standing have the right to vote in church votes and have full participation in the life and work of the church (unless extenuating circumstances warrant otherwise). Voting may not be made by proxy.
  16. Uphold the Articles of Faith, Constitution and Bylaws.


  1. Church Officers
  2. Pastor – pastor qualifications (these qualifications will be for all people called to the pastorship, whether it be lead, youth, childrens, etc):
  3. Will be consistent with those listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7.
  4. They will be: called, trained, and willing to continue to grow in the faith.
  5. The Pastor responsibilities:
  6. Preaching/Teaching
  7. Pastoral Counseling
  8. Administration
  9. Planning
  10. Lending guidance and direction for the church to be             healthy and fulfill its purposes.
  11. Lead church in performing the tasks in worship, proclamation, education, service, discipleship, and evangelism.
  12. Shall be an ex officio member of all church committees.
  13. Selecting a new pastor. In event a new pastor is needed (Lead, Worship, Youth, Children’s, or any other position serving in the role of a pastor) the following steps shall be followed:
  14. If a vacancy occurs, a pastor shall be called and chosen.
  15. The elders of the church will seek out candidates prayerfully.
  16. Once a suitable candidate is identified (through prayer, interview, internship, and/or trial period) they will be nominated as the possible addition or replacement.
  17. Only one candidate will be recommended at a time.
  18. The elders will call for a vote. At least one week’s notice will be given to the members.
  19. An affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of those present is

necessary for a choice.  At the time of the vote, the elders may determine whether to allow for non-attendees to vote and how to handle the process.

  1. Terms of service
  2. The pastor shall serve until the relationship is terminated by either their request or that of the church. The elders, with just cause, can vote to remove a pastor if they fail to uphold the standards of the church and those contained in 1 Timothy 3:1-7. If the elders discover a just cause, the elders will bring that just cause as a motion to a special, members only, meeting. The motion must receive a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of those present and voting in order to terminate the pastor. If the pastor resigns before the special called meeting the elders will still present their just cause to the members at said meeting.
  3. In the event a pastor is involved in a felony or other crime or moral turpitude, they can be immediately terminated. In all other cases, at least sixty (60) days notice shall be given unless otherwise mutually agreed.
  4. There shall be a mutual contract/agreement between the pastor and the church.
  5. Church Staff
  6. The church shall employ and/or call staff as needed.
  7. Staff members shall be recommended and approved for

work by the elders/board (volunteer and paid positions).

  1. A job description will be prepared for the staff as needed.
  2. Deacons
  3. The need for deacons shall be called for as needed and determined by the elders/board.
  4. Deacons shall be recommended upon approval by the elders/board with a unanimous vote. The church will then vote with a ¾ approval. Deacons shall be nominated by the elders/board and/or leadership of the church.
  5. The qualifications for deacon will match the qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.
  6. Duties shall be interpreted to candidates at the election of the deacons. In general, deacons assist the pastor in ministering to the members of the body; help to solve any fellowship issues within the church; assist in administering the church ordinances, and other duties as needed).
  7. Ordination – ordination of deacons and ministers of the gospel and other callings is a privilege of the local church. The church shall elect for ordination people who are fitting.
  8. The lead pastor shall assemble a team of no less than four and no more than eight persons to examine the person for ordination.
  9. The team shall meet with the candidates. Through an interview process, prayer, and discussion the council will recommend or not

                                                recommend the person for ordination.

  1. If approved for ordination, the pastor will schedule an ordination service to announce and ordain the candidate.
  2. Moderator – the moderator will be responsible for presiding over church business meetings. In general, the lead pastor shall preside over the meetings. In his absence, or at his approval, any elder, board, pastor, or staff member can fill this role.
  3. Clerk – the clerk will be responsible for accurate record keeping of all business meeting transactions. They will also assist in any reports needed in the function of the church.
  4. Clerk will also help with the general record keeping of the day-to-day operations of the church (attendance, baptisms, births, deaths, etc.)
  5. Assistant clerks may be utilized as needed.
  6. Treasurer – the treasurer will be the custodian of the moneys of the

            ministry and shall disburse those money as authorized by the


  1. They will keep an itemized account of all expenditures and receipts and shall provide monthly and yearly reports as needed.
  2. Financial Secretary – shall be responsible for seeing that the church offerings are properly received, counted, and deposited.
  3. They shall keep records of each contributor and their offerings.
  4. They shall be responsible for preparing and mailing an annual record of contribution to donors.
  5. Trustees – at least three (3) trustees will be elected by the church

            To hold trust the property of the church.

  1. They shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease or

                        transfer any property of the church without a specific vote

                        authorizing each action.

  1. The trustees shall sign any, and all legal documents

                        involving the sale, mortgage, purchase, or lease of church

                        property or any other legal documents requiring the

                        signatures of the trustees for an in behalf of the church.

  1. Church Council – shall consist of the lead pastor, music pastor,

            youth pastor, children’s pastor, any church staff and ministry


  1. The church council shall meet as needed (to be

                        determined by needs, but weekly or bi-monthly) to discuss

                        and evaluate the day-today operations of the church.

  1. They shall discuss the Spiritual Growth of the church and

                        determine steps to take, if any, to continue to meet the goals

                        of the church.



III. Church Committees

  1. Various church committees may be needed throughout the life of the church to conduct various aspects. These committees may be formed as needed.
  2. When a need is identified for a committee, the

                        elders/board will announce the need and accept volunteers

                        to sit on the committee.

  1. Any elder/board member can object to a volunteer. The

                        reasons will be given, and if needed, at the discretion of the

lead pastor, said person may be denied from sitting on the committee.  If the elder/board decides that someone is to be denied from sitting on a committee, a representative of the elder/board will be assigned the responsibility of explaining to said person the reasons for the decision made. When appropriate the explanation will be made in a face-to-face meeting with said person.

  1. When the elders/board decides that a committee has served its purpose and is no longer needed they can disband that committee.



  1. Discipleship
  2. Discipleship will be one of the pillars of the church. The goal is to

            take people wherever they are in their walk, and assist, encourage,

            pray, and walk with them until they reach their God-given potential

            and use it in service of Him.

  1. Opportunities will be given to move people along this path can include, but are not limited to.
  2. Steps
  3. New Believers study
  4. Church membership study
  5. Leadership study
  6. Finding my place study
  7. Being sent study (Apostleship)
  8. Opportunities for internships will be given if deemed

                        necessary by the elder/board.


  1. Service
  2. Serving others will be one of the pillars of the church. The goal is

            to serve others.  We will not wait for them to come to us, but will be

            aggressive and strategic in reaching out to others.

  1. Service types will be determined by prayer, becoming

                        aware of needs, or any other means.

  1. The goal of service is not simply meeting the needs, but

                        using the service as an opportunity to present the Gospel.

  1. Training classes may be given as needed.
  2. The church may provide opportunities for service each month, but may also encourage the members to look for individual opportunities as well.


  1. Changed Lives
  2. Changed lives will be one of the pillars of the church. The

                        goal is to provide chances for people in all walks to meet

                        with God.  Once that meeting takes place, people will be

                        changed.  Once the change takes place we desire to

                        move the person through the steps mentioned above to

                        become an apostle (one who is sent by God with a ministry).

  1. Various steps and chances for changing lives may be

                                    used.  New methods can be added as needed,

                                    provided the goal is changing lives and moving them

                                    towards spiritual growth.

  1. Examples of some methods to change lives

                                                may include the following as best determined

                                                by the elders/board.

  1. Evangelism
  2. Service (local and global)
  3. Celebrate Recovery
  4. Bible Study
  5. Sunday service
  6. Sunday Worship Service
  7. Wednesday Prayer meeting
  8. Others deemed necessary


VII. Kingdom Growth

  1. Kingdom growth will be one of the pillars of the church. It is not

            enough to bring people in the church and change their lives and

            disciple them. A goal to strive for is to take people and help them

            start ministries of their own.

  1. Through classes, prayer, and encouragement, members

                        will be lead to be part of kingdom multiplication. A church

                        that has numerous members starting ministries, being called

                        to lead and plant churches, to become missionaries, and

                        various other callings will help grow God’s kingdom.


VIII. Church Meetings

  1. The church’s regular schedule of meetings is as follows:
  2. Sunday worship service. Music, Gospel-centered

                        message, testimonies, dramas, videos, etc.

  1. Wednesday prayer meeting. Members meet for some

                        worship, followed by a brief devotion and then elder and

                        staff led prayer.

  1. during Sunday and Wednesday, activities, as

                                    determined by the church and the youth and

                                    children’s pastor will be provided.

  1. Service Days. As determined necessary, the church will provide opportunities for service. These chances will also serve as an example for individual service.
  2. Church council meeting (staff meeting).
  3. Elder/board meeting.
  4. Elder/board retreat.
  5. Other meetings as needed.


VIV. Transparency

  1. The need for transparency is important. Unless special

circumstances warrant, business meetings will be public and open  to members.

  1. If something of a sensitive nature is to be discussed by

                        the elders or staff, any members present will be asked to

                        leave until such a time that the sensitive information is no

                        longer being discussed.

  1. Meeting minutes and summaries will be made readily available

            for any church member or attender.

  1. Meeting minutes and summaries may be posted online.
  2. Financial information will be made public, expect for information

            that is sensitive in nature.

  1. Monthly financial statements will be created as needed and/or requested.
  2. Quarterly financial statements will be created as needed and/or requested.
  3. Yearly financial statements will be created as needed and/or requested.
  4. Specifics of any financial statements will be available

                                    to members upon request.

  1. All financial statements will be available to church

                        members and attenders.


  1. Finances/Giving
  2. The treasurer will be the lead and point person when it comes to

            all issues dealing with finances and money and giving.

  1. The treasurer reports to the pastor and the elders/board.
  2. The treasurer will recruit volunteers to help/assist him as

                        needed.  Volunteers will be confirmed by the pastor and/or


  1. The church will accept tithes and offerings from members,

            attenders, and the general public. The monies collected will go to

            the function and operation of the church and ministry.

  1. Transparency is a must. Only in extreme circumstances

                        shall financial matters not be made public.

  1. Extreme circumstances shall require a unanimous

                                    vote by the elders/board.

  1. Salary (if applicable) will be determined by the

elders/board.  A unanimous vote of the elders/board will be required in order to offer someone a salary.

  1. If an elder/board member is the one to receive the

                                    salary, they (and their spouse, if applicable) will be

                                    excused from the vote.

  1. The amount of the salary shall be determined by

                                    circumstances, local climate, demographics, church

                                    size and any other factors deemed necessary.

  1. The church shall support other ministries. No less than 20% of

                        all monies collected each month shall go to support other


  1. The ministries to be supported will require a

                                    unanimous vote by the elders/board.

  1. Any ministry receiving money shall be noted in

                                    financial reports and may be posted online.

  1. Ministries may be added, withdrawn and/or taken away by a unanimous vote of the elders/board.
  2. Debt will be avoided.
  3. The church will not incur large debts for any projects

                                    unless deemed necessary.

  1. In order to incur debt of over $5,000, a

                                                unanimous vote of the elders/board is required.

  1. In order to incur a debt of more than $10,000, the debt matter will be presented to the church members for a vote. An affirmative vote of ¾ of the members is required for the debt to be incurred.
  2. All details of the debt and financial

                                                            information shall be available before the



  1. Church Discipline
  2. The church will follow the Biblical model of church discipline. The

            main verse for discipline is Matthew 18:15-20

  1. If a person does something that is deemed to require

                        church discipline, the matter will be brought before the


  1. If a unanimous vote is gathers by the elders/board

                                    the pastor (or someone designated by the board) will

                                    go and tell the person their fault.

  1. If person is accepting, all is well. If not, move to next


  1. The pastor or designated person who confronted the

                        person, will report to the board the outcome of the meeting

                        with the person. The pastor or designated person will suggest

moving to the next step – a vote of board will follow. If a unanimous vote is given the next step will be followed.

  1. The pastor or designated person will select one or

                                    two witnesses to go and confront the person.

  1. If person, is accepting, all is well. If not, move to next


  1. The pastor or designated person and witnesses will report to

                        the board the outcome of the meeting with the person. They

                        will suggest moving to the next step – a vote of board will

                        follow. If a unanimous vote is given the next step will be


  1. The person will be brought before the board and the

                                    charges that required the discipline will be given. If the

                                    person repents and asks for forgiveness all is well. The

                                    elders/board at this time can also offer steps and/or

                                    counseling be undertaken. If accepted, the matter is

                                    settled. If not, the person will be informed that a vote

                                    on the matter will be taken up by the church and they

                                    will be asked to leave the church.  A vote of ¾ of the

                                    members is required.

  1. If a person is voted to leave the church, they

                                                can after the period of 1 year petition to return

                                                to the church.

  1. The elders/board will review petition and

                                                have an interview with person. If after the

                                                interview, 1 elder/board members makes a

                                                motion for a vote, and gets a second – a

                                                vote will be called. If a unanimous vote of the

                                                board is given, the person will be granted

                                                access to the church again as a probationary


  1. The person will be required to meet with the

                                                lead pastor (or someone of the lead pastor’s

                                                choosing). The meetings will consist of prayer

                                                and discussion.

  1. 4 meetings will be required – at which time, if

                                                recommended by the pastor – a vote of the

                                                elders/board will be called. If unanimous consent

                                                is given, a vote of church members will be called.

  1. If ¾ of the church vote in the affirmative the

                                                person will be welcomed back to membership.


XII. Overriding the Constitution and Bylaws

  1. The amendment procedure is described above. But should the

            need arise to go against something contained in this document for

            a time, but not permanently, the following steps will be followed.

  1. The need shall be presented at the board meeting.
  2. A motion shall be called to consider the request.
  3. An aye vote of 75% of the elders/board will be required

                        for the matter to be tabled for one week.

  1. During the week, elders/board shall pray and fast about

                        the matter.

  1. One week later, the elders/board shall meet and a vote

                        taken. A unanimous vote shall be required for the temporary

                        suspension of the matter than pertains to the Constitution and


  1. Once the matter is resolved, the Constitution and Bylaws

                        shall return to full force and effect.

  1. In times of extreme circumstances, the pastor can override or

            bypass steps designated in the Constitution and Bylaws.

  1. Extreme circumstances are those that cannot be avoided

                        and are time sensitive and require an immediate response.

  1. The pastor cannot act alone. At least 2 other elders/board

                        members will be made aware of the situation and will give

                        consent for the action to be undertaken.

  1. No shopping for affirmatives. If the pastor contacts an

                        elder/board member for the purpose of overriding the

                        Constitution and Bylaws and the elder/board member

                        does not give consent, the matter shall be tabled. The

                        pastor shall not contact other elders/board members to find

                        the affirmative votes he needs for the matter.



Ratified by action of the church in its planning meeting in the year 2013.